Goal: 60% of Municipal solid waste reuse/recycle by 2020 compared to 2006.

Results: in 2018 : 68.58% of Municipal solid waste reuse and recycle in KMUTT compared to 2006.

In 2018 ,the total amount of municipal solid waste which are reuse/recycle in our university are 384,083 kg (72.56%) which come from149,546kg of recycled waste and 234,537 Kg of reuse waste.

In 2018 ,the total of 123,799 Kg of organic waste come from 52,716 kg of food waste, 12,925 kg of fruit, vegetable and garden waste, 2,488 kg of used vegetable oil and the remain of 55,670 Kg of organic waste. All fruits and vegetables, garden wastes have been used for organic fertilizer within our campus. Used vegetable oil has been used for biodiesel production. Some of organic food has been reused for teaching and research materials for pilot plant production.

In the total of 179,269 kg of recycled waste, 175,085 kg has been processing in the recyclable waste bank, when 4,185 kg has been preparing for teaching and supporting activities in KMUTT. In the total of 48,785 kg of Materials waste from workshop and Building and Ground department, there are 25,758 kg which reuse as teaching materials /research raw materials/maintenance & repairing activities in Building and Ground department. The remain (23,000 kg) are recycled for teaching materials.