Number of scholarly events related to environment and sustainability

Sustainable Events Relative with SDGs
KMUTT participate in SUN Thailand conference 2018.   4,12,17
KMUTT received a best practice award “sustainable mobility” in SUN Thailand 202311,13,17
KMUTT Say no single use plastic, Winner of sustainable project in SUN Thailand 2023 conference. 4,12,17
Bangkok representative visit KMUTT17,11,4
Show and share sustainability learning 4,9,17
KMUTT student got winner excellent influence awards 4,12,17
World soil day and Thailand environmental day at KMUTT 13,15,17
KMUTT participate in Bike for dad 11,3,17
World soil day and Thailand environmental day at KMUTT (Bangkhuntein campus) 13,15,17
Opening KMUTT ’s electrical charge station 7,11,17
19th KMUTT game 2018 3,16,17
Professional service seminar at KMUTT (Bangkhuntein campus) 4,11,17
Say no single use plastics at KMUTT (Bangkhuntein campus) 14,4,17
Faculty of science and technology, Thammasart university learn about laboratory waste management @KMUTT 11,12,17
EESH personal seminar at KMUTT (Bangkhuntein campus) 4,16,17
Say no single use plastics at KMUTT (Bangkhuntein campus) 12,4,17
EESH safety Training for solar decathlon Europe 2019 11,9,17
KMUTT 8th ranging the green university of Thailand 13,4,17
KMUTT provide N95 mask to security guard student  and staff 3,11,17
EESH and faculty of engineering training about basic firefighters 4,3,11
EESH and CIC seminar “new standard ISO/IEC17025:2017 requirements and implementation” 4,11,17
Opening KMUTT’s green society building 11,4,17
KMUTT provide an understanding of PM2.5 4,3,11
Road cleaning and PM2.5 management at KMUTT (Bangkhuntein campus) 11,3,17
Welcome the president at Bangkok local museum, Bangkhuntein campus15,16,17
KMUTT plant trees in FIBO Building15,11,17
Friday bike in the theme  “Save the world” 3,11,17
Bike tour@KMUTT 3,11,17
Green heart road show in partner Green school network in the theme  PM2.5 4,11,17
EESH seminar in the theme future sustainability @KMUTT 11,12,17
Friday bike in the theme Cleaning the world 3,11,17
Publish statement safe the world 2019 11,12,17
Forest day and world water day 2019 @KMUTT 15,11,17
Bike challenge for change 3,11,17
Publish statement safe the world 2019 at central world 4,11,17
Saturday ride fever in the theme Cleaning the world 3,11,17
GEN223 visited biogas learning center 4,12,17
Safe the world Day13,15,17
Big cleaning day at KMUTT Bangkhunthein 11,12,17
KMUTT population plant Thong-U-Rai    15,11,17
Green open house kmutt2019 4,12,17
Faculty of engineering give a honor award to green heart team 4,16,17
ME Energy and water saving day 6,7,13
KMUTT winner the sustainable projects in SUN Thailand 2019 4,16,17
Safety training and emergency in KMUTT Bangkhunthein 3,12,17
ME with EESH provided emergency training 11,12,17
Planting Thong-U-Rai in community around KMUTT   15,16,17
Hand on the management system of chemical and poisonous waste. 3,12,17
Nation plant day 15,16,17
60+ earth hour 2019 @KMUTT 13,11,17
KMUTT performed evacuate the fire escape 11,12,17
Bike for plant Thong-U-Rai   3,15,17
Training of the trainer in laboratory safety standard (ESPReL) 12,3,17
World no tobacco day 2019 @KMUTT 3,4,11
World bicycles day @KMUTT 3,4,11
Freshy parents visit Green society 4,17,16
World environment day 2019 @KMUTT Bangmod 13,15,17
World environment day 2019 @KMUTT BKT 13,15,17
World environment day 2019 at Centralworld 13,15,17
Zom-bike bicycle maintaining in KMUTT 3,12,17
Bike for plant Thong-U-Rai   3,11,17
Train for trainer for Green Heart    4,11,17
KMUTT bangkhunthein receive an safety university assessment 11,12,17
KMUTT green school network of PM2.5 detection at Naluang school 4,11,17
KMUTT green school network of PM2.5 detection at Chusinthongpradit school 4,11,17
Bike Friday for plant   13,5,16
KMUTT green school network of PM2.5 detection at Wattrungkru school 4,11,17
Train for trainer: hand on training in the Chemical Safety 3,4,11
KMUTT green school network of PM2.5 detection at Bangmodtanpaowitthayakhan school 4,11,17
KMUTT green school network of PM2.5 detection at Ratchaburana school 4,11,17
Train for trainer: Energy and technology conservation 13,7,17
KMUTT green school network of PM2.5 detection at Khongrangjark school 4,11,17
EESH fire hydrant training 4,11,12
EESH presented about waste management for cleaner in KMUTT 4,3,17
KMUTT sustainable university for SDGs 2030 Road show 4,16,17
Hand on 2019 in faculty of engineering,KMUTT 4,11,17
Train for trainer: Student assess for harmful situation in KMUTT 4,11,17
EESH fire hydrant training for faculty of science 11,4,17
Train for trainer: Energy Conservation in KMUTT Bangkhunthein building 7,13,17
Assessment the Risk of KMUTT laboratory 4,11,17
Train for trainer: MOD ASA Volunteer 4,16,17
KMUTT Ratchaburi safety week 5th 4,3,12
Green bike camp @ KMUTT Ratchaburi 3,11,17
Maintenance the bicycle project 5th @KMUTT Ratchaburi 4,11,12
Waste seminar and training 4,3,12
Brainstorming to improve the safety of Safety laboratory standard (ESPReL) 4,11,17
KMUTT Orientation 4,16,17
Green heart camp 2019 3,11,17
Train for trainer: Energy conservation for Students 4,11,12
safety training for cripple 4,13,17
KMUTT green school network of PM2.5 detection: green heart junior 4,11,17
Safety week 17th 3,11,17
Green heart first meet 4,16,17
Train for trainer:Green heart leader student 4,9,17
Planting Porthueng for congratulations new graduate 15,13,17
KMUTT bangkhunthein receive a safety university award 11,16,17
Brainstorming to improve the safety of laboratory ESPReL 3,4,11
Bike new gen 3,11,17
Clean food and good taste training 4,12,17
Car free day2019 3,11,17
Bike trip for new gen 3,11,17
Presented about waste management in KMUTT Bangkhunthein 4,3,11
Zombike: Bike share for free 3,12,17
Bike trip for KMUTT new Gen 3,11,17

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