The Center for Energy, Safety, and Occupational Health Management was invited to serve as trainers for a special program focusing on work safety systems tailored for persons with disabilities. The training session was conducted by Mr. Amornthep Khumsuk and Ms. Jenwit Thipprasert on June 30, 2566, in the Buddharaksa Room of the Seminar Building.
This session witnessed participation from over 50 individuals. The primary objective of this training was to equip the attendees with adequate knowledge and skills necessary for their routine office tasks. The training also emphasized on preparing them for unforeseen incidents or emergencies that might occur during their work hours, ensuring their safety and well-being.
The course content was designed to be comprehensive, covering both the roles and responsibilities of office personnel and the measures to be taken during emergencies or accidents at the workplace.
This initiative is in line with the university’s commitment to fostering a sustainable environment. It also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, specifically:
- Goal 4: Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. This pertains to providing relevant skills and training to persons with disabilities to ensure they can integrate and contribute effectively in the workplace.
- Goal 10: Reducing inequalities within and among countries by promoting social protection for equality. This emphasizes creating inclusive environments and providing equal opportunities for all, including persons with disabilities.