Policy Goal:
Reduce pipe water usage 50 % by 2030 compared to the 2003 baseline
In the year 2018 Piped water usage in KMUTT = 287,888.00 cu.m with 11.77cu.m/capita/yr. The pipe water usage decreasing 4.25 % from 2018 baseline and decreasing 50.52 % compare to 2003 baseline
Water is one of energy and environmental problems for all over the world .Less than 1% of world’s water is accessible freshwater. According to World Water Development Report and UN stated that in the next 20 years, the quantity of available drinking water may decrease by as much as 30%. Water Conservation is an important step toward sustainability and environmental health. KMUTT has been established Water Conservation Policy and Water Conservation program since 2005 and aims to achieve continual improvement in water conservation within our campus. In addition, it aims to achieve best practice rain water and natural water resource management and prevention of pollution to waterways within our campus.