KMUTT Waste Management Policy
KMUTT provides waste management system and encourages student and staff to reduce, reuse, recycle and proper managen ment on treatment and disposal which comply to standard practice and SDG2030. Both municipal solid waste and hazardous waste are managed according to waste
hierarchy of reduction, reuse, recycle, treatment and responsible disposal. KMUTT is committed to
1. Waste minimization and waste reduction Encourage waste source reduction by using the waste minimization and
reduce hazardous chemical usage and encourage using products that can be reused or recycled.
2.Reuse and repair Encourage to reuse equipment, materials or chemicals and repair equipment, materials that can be efficiently use.
3. Recycle Encourage to recycling of Aluminums and steel cans, cardboard, glass bottles, paper, plastic cartons, scrap metal, shoe bank, textile bank, toner and ink jet cartridges by using recyclable waste bank. Also, encourage to recycling hazardous materials or chemicals if it can be efficiently done.
4. Treatment Encourage to manage both municipal solid waste and hazardous waste in standard practices and meet regulations on waste treatment.
5. Responsible disposal Ensure disposal in both municipal solid waste, hazardous waste and electrical waste (E Waste) are carried out in standard practices and meet regulations. Ensure all waste are managed with manual and followed standard practices.

Paper and foam usage reduction Policy
According to KMUTT Sustainable University for SDG2030 University policy, KMUTT is committed to reduce paper and foam usage within the university. Our commitments are
1. Paper usage reduction by using two-sided printer and Electronic Office
2. Encourage to use Electronic meeting with paperless campaign
3. Encourage to use Electronic learning to reduce paper sheets and papers in teaching media
4. Foam usage reduction in exhibition and in all university activities
5. Promote the paper and foam usage reduction campaign for all students and staff within the university and communities surrounding.
To support KMUTT as Green & Clean University for Sustainable and make all students and staff in KMUTT to be “Green Heart “.
Responsible Office | Policy Administration | Date Issued |
Energy Environment Safety and Health (EESH) | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvit SeaTia, President , KMUTT | December 2021 |