Campus safety week

KMUTT’s safety week is organized at Bangmod campus for over 17 years .This event will engage the entire campus community in raising awareness and providing training on how students and staffs can be proactive in their safety and security under the concept of ” SAFETY IN ALL WE DO” . Coordinated by a cross-campus committee, events and activities are being offered through Student Affairs, Residence Life, Campus Police, Dining Services and more.
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Fire evacuation training

The course provides a overview of workplace emergency procedures, building fire safety systems and common fire fighting equipment. After training, you will be able to take charge of a building fire emergency evacuation either during a fire drill exercise or for a real fire. Who should attend:
- All members of staff must complete fire safety training on an annual basis
- All laboratory technicians and other workers who engaged in activities that, based on local risk assessment, present a high fire risk are expected to receive practical fire extinguisher training
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esprel training (Enhancement of Safety Practice of Research Laboratory)

Currently, any research projects which involving the laboratory study that funded by the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) are required to register into the ESPReL system. This stands for Enhancement of Safety Practice of Research Laboratory in Thailand, a computer program which possesses the data collection of the enrolled research laboratory. After the account has been created, ESPReL would send the registered ID to such research laboratory. This program is designed to provide the self-assessment questionnaire (ESPReL checklist). Consequently, all the stakeholders working in such lab are recommended to gather around and complete this checklist. Throughout the above-mentioned ESPReL processes, the strategies of continuously creating the safe practice in research lab will be implemented.
download risk assessment manual
cpr first aid training
The lessons cover life saving skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). Treatment for serious bleeding, shock, spinal cord injuries and conscious / unconscious choking. We conduct Emergency First Response CPR First Aid Training in Bangmod campus twice a year. Furthermore, participants do not need to have previous experience in first aid !

download a Safety Pocket Guide
Food hygiene training