Participatory Energy Management Training Program: “Fostering an Energy Conservation Mindset within Organizations

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The Sustainable Activity Promotion Team of the Energy Environmental Safety and Health Center (EESH) organized a participatory energy management training project titled “Fostering an Energy Conservation Mindset in Organizations” on January 29, 2024, at the meeting room on the 10th floor of the Knowledge Exchange (KX) Building. The training was led by Mr. Anon Chuaykird as the speaker, targeting personnel and officers stationed at the Knowledge Exchange (KX) Building. The purpose of this training was to raise awareness among participants about the value of energy and the impact of its usage, and to introduce systematic and easily applicable methods for developing an energy conservation mindset. Furthermore, it facilitated the exchange of ideas and proposals that encourage energy conservation and environmental protection, promoting campaigns to reduce energy use, support for clean energy usage, and collective efforts to conserve the environment. This initiative aligns with King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi’s goals to achieve sustainable energy conservation and environmental success within the university, fostering a learning society and creating a sustainable green community. The execution of this activity is in line with the SDGs 2030, specifically Goal 7 for affordable and clean energy, Goal 12 for responsible consumption and production, and Goal 13 for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.