KMUTT joins the launch of the 7 Go Green X Waste Sorting Bin Project, Fan page of Lung Saleeng and the missing garbage

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King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi and universities join Fan page of Lung Saleeng and the missing garbage and 7-Eleven launch the project Garbage Sorting Bin 7 Go Green X Fanpage of Lung Saleeng and the missing garbage On the Green2Get application On December 3, 2021, at Co-Working Space, THE TARA Building. The project launch press conference, with Asst. Prof. Suchada Chaisawat, Director of EESH Center and Dr. Nattapong Chayawatho The assistant director of the EESH Center is a representative. Participate in this press conference. The launch was attended by Mrs. Jongrak Tanakul. Experts in promoting and publishing and director of the Division of Climate Change Cooperation presided over the opening. The project is a collaboration between the university network, along with Fan page of Lung Saleeng and the missing garbage, and 7-Eleven. Turned a garbage can in front of a        7-Eleven store into a smart garbage can. Users can scan the barcode in front of the tank on the Green2Get application. Tell us the sorting process and the tank that should be discarded correctly, and can find the recycler who needs the material nearby. This activity is consistent with towards goals of the SDGs 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In Goal 12, Sustainable Production and Consumption Plan and Goal 13 Raise awareness of the importance of limited resources. Including preparing to cope with climate change and the effects of global warming.