KMUTT Hosts the Third Summit of 2020 for Thai Sustainable University Network (SUN Thailand)

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As the leader of Thailand’s Sustainable University Network, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) hosted the summit held from 8-10 October 2020 with the assistance of Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Phuket campus as co-host. This network summit was held to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of the committee’s operation. In 2020, KMUTT had received the honor of acting as a chair and host the meeting between 34 institutions. The representatives from each member university participated in sharing about preparation of data for UI Green Metric World 2020 and were guided through sustainability expo put together by the 5 campuses of Prince of Songkla University. The representatives then visited the sustainable community project which plays a key role in elevating the environment and sustainability of nation-wide universities to be role models for the society.