King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, led by EESH and the laboratory network of KMUTT attended the second “Safety Lab and Safety Culture for Sustainability Meeting” hosted by National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) together with 12 major universities responsible for lab safety on 9 October 2020 at Rama Garden Hotels, Bangkok. The Faculty of Engineering’s laboratory of food engineering was awarded prize for excellent presentation about “Best Practice for Waste Management Operation Safety” by Ratchaneeporn Ai-Tang as the lab representative. 3 Other laboratories including the chemistry laboratory (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science), food engineering laboratory (Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), and environmental engineering (Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering) were also awarded for their excellent presentation on results of their lab safety standard in the form of posters. The posters were received with much interests from the representatives who attended the meeting. The meeting comprised over 300 representatives from all over the network.