During the past few year, KMUTT have more attention and best practice with the concept of Green and Clean University. KMUTT has an ambitious plan to transform 3 campus including Bangmod, Bangkhuntein and Ratchaburi campus into a green campus with its developing master plan. This master plan sets the goal for campus development in Learning atmosphere, social interaction, green and clean university, education park and international image under the environmental facilities concept. KMUTT’s Master plan are mainly focus on car-free campus, foot path and bicycle circulation, land use zoning, Building entrance and service area recommendation, circulation system, open space system and landscape development. This fulfils the Board of Governors’ policy to update master plan every five years. Unity, Identity, Energy Conscious and Environmental Friendly, Effective Organization, Enhance Educational Environment, Friendly and welcome atmosphere, Continuity of activities and space and clarify and safety of building are the main concept for building construction.
Target: University Master Plan All Campus to obtain 30% green area by 2022
Current Status: In 2024, 89.02% of university area is green area.
Bangmod Campus
This layout shows the master plan at KMUTT Bangmod campus. The main campus of university in Bangkok where is the hub of academic and student activities. The zoning are separated in to 5 zone as following: Academic facilities, common facilities, administration, dormitory, landscape area. 30% – Academic zone, 36% – Green Area and open-space, 11% – Road and walkway, 5% – Service and expansion, 4% – Dormitory, 4% – Academic common, 2% – Administration, 2%- Facilities common
Learning Garden: Traditionally, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, School of Energy, Environment and Materials, School of Information Technology, School of Liberal Arts, Institute of Field Robotics, Computer Center and KMUTT Library are the only place for sharing knowledge and experience among KMUTT’s students and staff. While at present, Learning Garden or Learning space could also be spaces outside classroom where students can meet and work with others and build that most precious of campus commodities. With the idea of “Learning can and should happen everywhere on campus”—from the classroom to the library to learning space. In addition, both sustainable development and sustainable development goals (SDGs) are integrate into all learning activities, especially for research practice and educational service.

Bangkhuntein Campus
This layout shows the master plan at KMUTT Bangkhuntein campus. The main campus in Pilot Plant development, training Institute and Industrial Park Center. The zoning are separated in to 4 zone as following:

Ratchaburi Campus
This layout shows the master plan at KMUTT Ratchaburi campus. The Residential College for Faculty of Engineering in Ratchaburi province where suitable for academic learning and researching. The zoning are separated in to 2 zone as following: