Target: Become the model of a “green” campus and smart campus initiative for sustainability by 2024
Current Status: In 2024, smart energy and smart building concepts are applied to develop within campus.
Creative Green Learning Space (Learning Garden & Learning Exchange building)

During the past few year, KMUTT have more attention and best practice with the concept of Green and Clean University. Both Sustainable development and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are applied to promote ecological awareness to KMUTT’s students and staff. Furthermore, KMUTT aim to integrate the concepts of sustainable development into all curriculum and learning activities.
Traditionally, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, School of Energy, Environment and Materials, School of Information Technology, School of Liberal Arts, Institute of Field Robotics, Computer Center and KMUTT Library are the only place for sharing knowledge and experience among KMUTT’s students and staff. While at present, Learning Garden or Learning space like LX building could also be spaces where students can meet and work with others and build that most precious of campus commodities. This learning space has been designed to support learning process of our university including Green & clean for sustainability concept. With the idea of “Learning can and should happen everywhere on campus”—from the classroom to the library to learning space.
Learning spaces help to support Inside-outside learning mechanism=self wisdom
Learning by doing=Experiencing
Learning by Interacting= Socialization
Sharing = Collaborating and make our student has a Green heart and to be change agent to help community and society more Green and More Green in the near future
Green transportation

According to KMUTT Transportation policy which promote Walk & Bike Society within our campus, KMUTT is committed to support infrastructures and system and built environment to make KMUTT Green & Clean Campus. KMUTT Walk & Bike Master plan has been launched and provide Bike Lane, Building Access, Bike Parking Area, Bike Repairing Center & Bike Café . Detailed design for all in Master plan are now in the step of on going process Existing bike lane & bike parking with repairing center is now function allied with Walk & Bike Master plan.
Green Building
This Green building concept will follow to green building for sustainable and focus on Innovative design with low energy consumption, safety, clean energy usage and green house gas emission reduction. Knowledge Exchange building (KX), Utility Exchange building (UX), Bioresearch and Innovation building(BRI) and Learning Exchange building (LX) are all new green building at KMUTT. Those building refer to both a structure and the application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient under green concept throughout a building’s life-cycle: from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. Furthermore at design process, all construction layout are need to design follow designing of Energy Conservation Building, B.E. 2009 (Thailand) and submitted to Ministry of Energy before construction process.

Green IT Initiation @KMUTT

KMUTT has established Information Technology (IT) infrastructure as open-access facilities are indispensable for the self-directed learning process of students. The infrastructure is comprised of online instructional media, online information resources (or e-Contents), automatic library system, high-speed internet network, intranet, on-campus Wi-Fi system, and communication channels.
KMUTT committed to minimize the negative impact of IT operations on the environment by operating and disposing of computers and computer-related products in an environmentally-friendly manner. Green IT Initiation @KMUTT Program have been done since 2010 by launching Green Procurement to buy Energy saving equipment including computers and computer-related products. The Green IT initiation @KMUTT have been implemented by all organization in KMUTT which help to reducing the use of hazardous materials, maximizing energy efficiency during the product’s lifetime which helps organizations save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by identifying products that offer superior energy efficiency. Moreover,the implementation of Green IT with others Green activities including E-meeting ,Two side paper printing and teleconference can help to reduce paper usage save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
KMUTT Green Classroom

KMUTT initiate Green Classroom by using Smart Classroom Concept including Use more energy efficient appliances, install new energy-efficient equipment and replace or eliminate outdated, inefficient equipment; Use “Smart” scheduling practices that go beyond matching occupancy times with equipment operation and Lower the temperature setting at 26 – 27 C. KMUTT Green Classroom has been installed the Smart lighting systems use occupancy, time of day and light sensors to control dimmable fixtures and coordinate with automated shade systems and continue to reduce lighting loads with advanced fluorescent and LED technology.
KMUTT Green Office

KMUTT initiate Green Office since 2012 by using Smart Office Concept including Use more energy-efficient equipment; Install building Envelope System with Low-e glass; Smart lighting systems use occupancy; time of day and light sensors to control dimmable fixtures and coordinate with automated shade systems and continue to reduce lighting loads with advanced fluorescent and LED technology. The KMUTT Green office has been installed the Energy Saving glass for wall shading ,replace air conditioner units with evaporative coolers, attic fans, or whole-house fans; Install dimmers and motion sensors on lights which possible to control electricity use.
KMUTT Green Laboratory

KMUTT initiate Green Laboratory by using Good Laboratory Practices to manage chemical & Hazardous wastes in a safe and environmentally manner that complies with Good Laboratory standard and use more energy efficient appliances, install new energy-efficient equipment and replace or eliminate outdated including must be aware of any risks which can be occurred from unintended situations.