Green heart road show in partner Green school network in the theme PM2.5

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KMUTT, EESH Center, and Green Heart Team Empower Na Luang School Students to Tackle PM2.5 Pollution

On February 25, 2019, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), through the EESH Center and the Green Heart Team, collaborated with the Health Services Unit of Bangpakok 1 Hospital to organize a knowledge-sharing and leadership-building activity for 250 students at Na Luang School. Themed “United for Understanding and Combating PM2.5 Pollution,” the event aimed to foster a sustainable, green society by promoting public health and environmental awareness under the KMUTT Green School Network initiative.

Held at Na Luang School, the event featured various activities and resources developed by the Green Heart Team and EESH Center. These included educational materials and interactive sessions on PM2.5 pollution, highlighting its causes, dangers, and mitigation strategies. Additionally, Bangpakok 1 Hospital conducted basic health checks and provided information on coping with the impacts of fine particulate matter.

The program sought to enhance knowledge and awareness among students, staff, and nearby communities regarding PM2.5 air pollution, which often exceeds safety standards. It also aimed to expand the dissemination of best practices in pollution management and promote actionable solutions for long-term prevention.

This activity supported the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, particularly:

  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.

Through this initiative, KMUTT reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability, public health, and community engagement, paving the way for meaningful societal change and improved quality of life.