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As aim of KMUTT’s sustainability organization is moving forward for sustainable and low-carbon university campus. We turnover our campus to be an integral learning spaces. Critical thinking and problem solving technique are applied to work on Greenhouse gases effect and climate change issues through volunteer activities or community club. With the cooperation of students and staff for analyzing a situation and designing a solution, its creates environmental and sustainable development awareness at every opportunity. Furthermore, our university support and promote all research and innovation related to sustainability. This strategy for sustainable is an important step towards embedding sustainability across the whole University. Green Heart students are the main key to achieve sustainability strategy in the near future. To build a strong relationship with a professional sustainability organization, KMUTT has been involved in various initiatives and intuition at the national level, including: International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) and Sustainable University Network of Thailand (SUN).

International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN)

The ISCN provides a global forum to support leading colleges, universities, and corporate campuses in the exchange of information, ideas, and best practices for achieving sustainable campus operations and integrating sustainability in research and teaching. The ISCN provides a global forum for universities pursuing sustainability across their educational and research missions, and operations. Currently, more than 80 universities from more than 30 countries on 6 continents are represented in our network as ISCN member universities. ISCN Members commit to sustainability principles and report their performance according to the ISCN-GULF Sustainable Campus Charter which was jointly developed with the World Economic Forum’s Global University Leaders Forum.

ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN)

ASEAN Smart Cities Network, a collaboration platform work toward the common goal of smart and sustainable urban development, is established on 28 April 2018. The 1st ASCN Annual Conference was held at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. In the conference, the MOU of ASEAN Smart Cities Network is signed by CAS-Net JAPAN(JAPAN), China Green University Network (China), Korean Association for Green Campus Initiative(KAGCI) and Sustainable University Network of Thailand (Thailand). Facilitate cooperation on smart cities development, catalyze bankable projects with the private sector and Secure funding and support from ASEAN’s external partners are main aims of the ASCN which providing across many sectors such as water quality, energy, education, public service, health and communication technology (ICT). The example of pilot ASEAN Smart Cities network cities where encourage smart cities design and smart cities development project are including of Bangkok, Hanoi, Yangon, Kuala Lumpur, Phnom Penh and Luang Prabang.

Sustainable University Network of Thailand (SUN)

KMUTT has played an active role in SUN Thailand from the very beginning together with Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol university, Thammasat university and Chiang mai university. SUN Thailand was established in 2016 with an aim to promote sustainability movement together with their members. All Attendee would exchange their knowledge and experience for sustainable practice which related to the 17 sustainable development goal (SDGs). At present, SUN Thailand has gradually evolved and expanded network with a cooperation agreement from university presidents more than 30 institutions. Furthermore, the meeting was hold up to the forth meeting including; 1st meeting– Responsible consumption, 2nd – Innovation and Partnership for Sustainable Society, 3rd – Action for the goals, single use plastic and 4th – Prototype net zero energy buildings where our University attended in every meeting.