Knowledge Exchange building (KX), Utility Exchange building (UX), Bioresearch and Innovation building (BRI) and Learning Exchange building (LX) are all new green building at KMUTT. Those building refer to both a structure and the application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resourceefficient under green concept throughout a building’s lifecycle: from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. Furthermore at design process, all construction layout are need to design follow designing of Energy Conservation Building, B.E. 2009 (Thailand) and submitted to Ministry of Energy before construction process.

This Green building in KMUTT can be reduce 30 % of energy usage and water usage for its operation. In the Safety issue, it concerns on safety and risk management; chemical and hazardous materials handling & management and Indoor environment quality which are key factors for Environmental Performance Criteria(EPC) Checklist and rating for its sustainable.

On the other hand, all conventional buildings within KMUTT that not only use large amount of energy, water and raw material for operation but also create large greenhouse gas emission will be completely renovate within 2030. For renovation, KMUTT apply 10 Green Building Code Initiation as following:
1) Green roofs – Solar roofs or vegetative roofing alternatives
2) Low VOC paints – limits odorous, harmful, or irritating emissions and enhance the occupants’ comfort
3) LED light bulbs or energy efficient bulbs- Uses less energy and give off less heat
4) Using local materials – lower transportation costs and energy consumption
5) Tree preservation and relocation
6) Water efficient appliances usage
7) Energy efficient appliances usage
8) Natural Ventilation and Natural light
9) Safety & Emergency system installation
10) Alternative transportation – Campuses utilize bicycle transportation, car pool or van pool or bus transit, and safe pedestrian walkways

The following table summarize the Green building implementation at KMUTT

*TGBI – Thai Green Building Institute
TREES – Thai’s Rating of Energy and Environment Sustainability , a rating system launched by Thai Green Building Institute.
*21st Century Laboratory – Sustainable design strategies for laboratories

1) Bioresearch and Innovation building has been open since September 2014 at KMUTT’s Bangkhuntein campus. The building is designed base on US Green Building Council’s LEED rating system. The environmental performance criteria are consist of Sustainable sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality and Innovation and design process.

The main operation process are consist of

  1. Use life-Cycle Cost Decision Making
  2. Employ a broad range of sustainable energy and water efficiency strategies
  3. Measure energy and water consumption
  4. track emission reductions
  5. Evaluate on-site power generation
  6. combined heat and power technologies,
  7. and renewable power purchases
  8. Specify “green” construction materials
  9. Promote energy and water efficiency operation
  10. training efforts and Explore sustainable design opportunities beyond the building.

After the operation, this building can reduce energy consumption and water usage up to 30 percentage. For Green Building award, KMUTT set a goal that this building must be certified at Silver stage within year 2020.

2) Learning Exchange building

Learning Exchange building (LX) at Bangmod campus is going to open in October, 2019. The concept design of building is education in the 21th century under the slogan of “EVERY WHERE IS FOR LEARNING, EVERTY TIME IS LEARNING AND EVERY ONE IS EDUCATOR”. This building is designed and constructed base on US Green Building Council’s LEED rating system. TREES help guiding for design and construct architecture that is environmental friendly and can increase occupant well-being and productivity comprehensively. The following table shows construction materials which not only made from recycled material but also receive green or eco label where

R- Products made from recycled material
L- In-house product ( save energy on transportation and support local business)
G- Green products and eco label

3) Knowledge Exchange building and Utility Exchange building Knowledge Exchange building and Utility Exchange building are designed and constructed base on Thai Green Building Institute. Heat Recovery, Light Pipe, Radiant Cooling, Double Façade and Hybrid ventilation and Green roof Hybrid cooling are the main function for green building implementation as reflected to policy.