KMUTT participate in ASEAN University Network – Health Promotion Network (AUN-HPN)

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KMUTT Joins Central Region AUN-HPN Seminar and Wins Popular Vote Poster Award

On October 12, 2018, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), represented by the Energy, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Management Center (EESH), the Health and Wellness Services Unit, and the Building and Facility Management Office, participated in the Central Region AUN-HPN (Health Promotion Network) Seminar. The event, held at Room 105, Mahachulalongkorn Building, focused on sharing experiences, learning lessons, and planning the expansion and development of the health promotion university network in the central region.

The KMUTT delegation was led by:

  • Asst. Prof. Suchada Chaiyasawat, Assistant Director of the EESH Center.
  • Ms. Sujitra Khaimook, Head of the Health and Wellness Services Unit.

The seminar began with a welcome speech by Prof. Dr. Narin Hiransuthikul, Vice President of Chulalongkorn University.

KMUTT received the Popular Vote Poster Award for its presentation titled “Health Promotion Activities of the Central Region University Health Promotion Network”. The poster highlighted KMUTT’s initiatives in promoting health and occupational well-being, aligning with its sustainability policy and the SDG 2030 goals.

These efforts, which garnered significant attention and praise from attendees, emphasized:

  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being.
  • Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

KMUTT’s participation and recognition reflect its commitment to fostering a culture of health promotion and sustainability within and beyond the university community.