KMUTT launched the   Accelerated program for SME  on  “Advance Composite 3D Printing: The Disruptive Manufacturing Solution”

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On 24 November 2020, Department of Mechanical Engineering  ,Faculty of Engineering KMUTT held the seminar on the topic of “Advance Composite 3D Printing: The Disruptive Manufacturing Solution”  at Auditorium  Hall ,KX:Knowledge Exchange Building. The aim of this seminar is to accelerated the SME to using the new technology which help to reduce costing on some manufacturing process by using Advance Composite 3D Printing: The Disruptive Manufacturing Solution   .This seminar add up the  Design Thinking concept  with some practical process which let the SME personnel create their idea to apply this technology to their own business .The application of the Advance Composite 3D Printing  will transform some manufacturing process  and make the innovative manufacturing in the near future .This event supports the SDG 4 Quality Education ,SDG 8 Decent work and Economic Growth and SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.