
On September 1, 2022, Assistant Professor Suchada Chaiyaswat, Director of the EESH Center, along with researchers and the operational team from the EESH Center, welcomed a visiting delegation from the Metropolitan Waterworks Authority. The group was led by Mr. Chawiphan Truangkiatkul, Director of the Water Quality Analysis Division, Water Quality Department. They attended a lecture on “Safe Laboratory Practices in Peer Evaluation” by Assistant Professor Suchada Chaiyaswat.

Following the lecture, the visitors toured and studied the model of the safe laboratory at the Biopharmaceutical Characterization Lab. The visit focused on learning about laboratory safety management, chemical and waste management systems. Laboratory officials provided detailed information throughout the tour. The visitors showed keen interest and inquired about various aspects related to maintaining a safe laboratory environment and waste management systems at KMUTT. This activity aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, specifically Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, and Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.